1958 - 3rd edition

Venue: AVRO Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 1958
Presentation: Hannie Lips
Voting: Per country, 10 jurymembers each awarded 1 point to their favourite song.
Number of countries: 10
- Scoreboard -

Draw Order by starting order Country Order by country Title Order by song title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos. Order by placing Score
1. Italy Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare) (Italian) more Domenico Modugno 3 13
2. Netherlands Heel de wereld (Dutch) more Corry Brokken 9 1
3. France Dors, mon amour (French) André Claveau 1 27
4. Luxembourg Un grand amour (French) (NEVER RECORDED) Solange Berry 9 1
5. Sweden Lilla stjärna (Swedish) (NEVER RECORDED) Alice Babs 4 10
6. Denmark Jeg rev et blad ud af min dagbog (Danish) Raquel Rastenni 8 3
7. Belgium Ma petite chatte [STUDIO] [LIVE] (French) Fud Leclerc 5 8
8. Germany Für zwei Groschen Musik [STUDIO] [LIVE] (German) Margot Hielscher 7 5
9. Austria Die ganze Welt braucht Liebe (German) (NEVER RECORDED) Liane Augustin 5 8
10. Switzerland Giorgio (German/Italian) more Lys Assia 2 24