
First participation: 2004
Number of participations: 10
Best result: 5th (2012)
Worst result: 3rd last (2013s)
Most votes cast to: Greece (10.6 points)
Most votes received from: FYR Macedonia (11.3 points)

Year Order by year (descending) Title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos. Order by placing Score
2012 Suus (Albanian) more Rona Nishliu 5/26 146
2004 The image of you (English) more Anjeza Shahini 7/24 106
2008 Zemrën e lamë peng (Albanian) more Olta Boka 16/25 55
2010 It's all about you (English) more Juliana Pasha 16/25 62
2005 Tomorrow I go (English) more Ledina Çelo 16/24 53
2009 Carry me in your dreams (English) more Kejsi Tola 17/25 48
2006 Zjarr e ftohtë (Albanian) more Luiz Ejlli DNQ -
2007 Hear my plea (English/Albanian) (NEVER RECORDED) more Frederik Ndoci DNQ -
2011 Feel the passion (English/Albanian) more Aurela Gaçe DNQ -
2013 Identitet (Albanian) Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko DNQ -