Munja i grom |
Thunder and lightning |
Riječ, još samo riječ |
A word, only just a word |
Ti ćeš otići do kraja, ja ću izaći iz stana |
You'll go to the end and I'll leave the apartment |
Bijes, ostaje bijes |
Rage, rage remains |
I ne čini mi se da smo jedno drugom bolja strana |
And it doesn't seem to me that we're each other's better half |
Ovih dana |
These days |
| |
Nek otopi se led sa usana |
May the ice melt away from your lips |
Da li iko zna za red u srcima |
Has anyone heard of order within hearts |
Za ruke drže se munja i grom |
Thunder and lightning holding hands |
Oduvijek zajedno |
Together forever |
| |
Suša je svud |
Drought is everywhere |
Al' tijela koja isto dišu mogu prizvati tu kišu |
But bodies that breathe alike could call for rain |
U san, za novi dan |
In a dream, for a new day |
Nek' nas opere od grijeha i nek odnese ih rijeka |
May it wash our sins away and may a river take them away |
| |
Nek' otopi se led sa usana |
May the ice melt away from your lips |
Da li iko zna za red u srcima |
Has anyone heard of order within hearts |
Za ruke drže se munja i grom |
Thunder and lightning holding hands |
Oduvijek zajedno |
Together forever |
| |
A svak' u svijetu svom |
Yet everyone in their own world |
I ti i ja |
Both me and you |
| |
Riječ, samo još riječ |
Word, only just a word |
Sve će otići do kraja, svi će izaći |
All will go to the end, everyone will leave |