Sense tu |
Without you |
Mai abans m'he sentit al final del camí |
I never felt at the end of the way before |
I ara sé que és així |
And now I know it is |
No hi ha res que puguem salvar |
There is nothing we could save |
Ara sé que aquest cop he perdut la partida |
Now I know that this time I lost the game |
Ha arribat el final |
The end arrived |
| |
I sé que no hi ha solució |
And I know there is no solution |
Buscaré una raó per sortir d'aquest món sense tu |
I'll look for a reason to walk out of this world without you |
| |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
De sentir-me en el cel, he anat a l'infern |
From feeling in heaven, I went to hell |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
Són tan llargues les nits sola en el meu llit |
The nights alone in my bed are so long |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
| |
I no sé com puc escapar |
And I don't know how I could escape |
Vull fugir de la realitat |
I want to get away from reality |
Oblidar-me del meu passat, caminar sense més |
Forget my past, simply walk on |
Tot i que sé que al final guanyaré |
Even though I know that at the end I will win |
| |
Oblidar-te em fa mal |
Forgetting you hurt me |
Desentendre'm del que ha passat |
Not wanting to know about what happened |
És difícil saber que és molt dur el que m'espera |
It's difficult to know that what is waiting for me is hard |
Sense tu al meu costat |
Without you by my side |
| |
Sé que no puc somiar |
I know that I can't dream |
El passat ha passat i no torna |
The past passed and doesn't come back |
Cal que miri endavant, cal que aprengui a estimar |
I need to look forward, I need to learn to love |
Sense tu |
Without you |
| |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
De sentir-me en el cel, he anat a l'infern |
From feeling in heaven I went to hell |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
Són tan llargues les nits sola en el meu llit |
The nights alone in my bed are so long |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
| |
I no sé com puc escapar |
And I don't know how I could escape |
Vull fugir de la realitat |
I want to get away from reality |
Oblidar-me del meu passat, caminar sense més |
Forget my past, simply walk on |
Tot i que sé que al final guanyaré |
Even though I know that at the end I will win |
| |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
De sentir-me en el cel he anat a l'infern |
From feeling in heaven I went to hell |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
He perdut aquest joc, oblidant el que sóc |
I lost this game, forgetting what I am |
Sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you |
| |
Ara sé que puc escapar |
Now I know that I'm able to escape |
Puc fugir de la realitat |
I'm able to get away from reality |
Oblidar-me del meu passat, caminar sense més |
Forget my past, simply walk on |
Tot i que saps que al final, jo he guanyat |
Even though you know that at the end, I won |
| |
Sense tu, sense tu, sense tu |
Without you, without you, without you |