Verjamem |
I believe |
Ah... ah... ah... |
Ah... ah... ah... |
Hrepenim iz globin, čez nebo rišem sonce |
I yearn from the depths, I draw the sun across the sky |
Preko sanj le zanj mečem luč v njegove sence |
Through my dreams, just for him, I cast light onto his shadows |
Ki slovo jemljejo, brez spomina z luknjami |
Which say farewell, without a holey memory |
Kot med dlanmi da odteče pesek časa |
As if draining the sands of time through my hands |
| |
Verjamem, da znova ujela se bova |
I believe that we will catch each other again |
In včeraj za zmeraj se vrne z reko luči |
And that yesterday will return for good with a river of light |
Še pesem našla si pot bo do rim če grem za njim |
Even the song will find its way to the rhymes if I go after him |
| |
Ah... ah... ah... ah... |
Ah... ah... ah... ah... |
| |
Čutim da grem do dna, nemi glas poje v molu |
I feel I'm going down to the bottom, a silent voice is singing in a minor key |
Vendar pa zavel mi ne bo veter belih zastav |
But my white flags will not be blowing in the wind |
| |
Verjamem, da znova ujela se bova |
I believe that we will catch each other again |
In včeraj za zmeraj se vrne z reko luči |
And that yesterday will return for good with a river of light |
Nov dan lačen je sonca in nezlagan |
A new day is hungry for the sun and sincere |
| |
Uh... (Ker jaz ne predam se pred koncem) |
Ooh... (Because I don't give up until the end) |
(Ker jaz ne predam se pred koncem) |
(Because I don't give up until the end) |
Ker jaz se ne predam pred koncem |
Because I don't give up until the end |
Jaz preživim le na svoj način |
I survive only in my own way |
Da hrepenim, ha... (Ker jaz ne predam se pred koncem) |
By yearning, oh... (Because I don't give up until the end) |