
First participation: 1971
Number of participations: 26
Best result: 2nd (2002, 2005)
Worst result: last (1971, 1972, 2006)
Most votes cast to: Italy (9.3 points)
Most votes received from: San Marino (8.5 points)

Year Order by year (descending) Title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos. Order by placing Score
1971 Marija l-Maltija (Maltese) more Joe Grech 18/18 52
1972 L-imħabba (Maltese) Helen & Joseph 18/18 48
1975 Singing this song (English) Renato 12/19 32
1991 Could it be (English) more Georgina & Paul Giordimaina 6/22 106
1992 Little child (English) more Mary Spiteri 3/23 123
1993 This time (English) more William Mangion 8/25 69
1994 More than love (English) more Chris & Moira 5/25 97
1995 Keep me in mind (English) more Mike Spiteri 10/23 76
1996 In a woman's heart (English) Miriam Christine 10/23 68
1997 Let me fly (English) Debbie Scerri 9/25 66
1998 The one that I love (English) more Chiara 3/25 165
1999 Believe 'n peace (English) Times Three 15/23 32
2000 Desire (English/Maltese) Claudette Pace 8/24 73
2001 Another summer night (English) Fabrizio Faniello 9/23 48
2002 Seventh wonder (English) Ira Losco 2/24 164
2003 To dream again (English) Lynn 25/26 4
2004 On again... off again (English) Julie & Ludwig 12/24 50
2005 Angel (English) Chiara 2/24 192
2006 I do (English) more Fabrizio Faniello 24/24 1
2007 Vertigo (English) more Olivia Lewis DNQ -
2008 Vodka (English) more Morena DNQ -
2009 What if we (English) more Chiara 22/25 31
2010 My dream (English) more Thea Garrett DNQ -
2011 One life (English) Glen Vella DNQ -
2012 This is the night (English) Kurt Calleja 21/26 41
2013 Tomorrow (English) Gianluca 8/26 120