
First participation: 1994
Number of participations: 14
Best result: 6th (2006)
Worst result: last (1994, 2005s)
Most votes cast to: Georgia (10.3 points)
Most votes received from: Georgia (7.3 points)

Year Order by year (descending) Title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos. Order by placing Score
2006 We are the winners (English) more LT United 6/24 162
2001 You got style (English/Lithuanian) more Skamp 13/23 35
2012 Love is blind (English) more Donny Montell 14/26 70
2011 C'est ma vie (English) Evelina Sašenko 19/25 63
1999 Strazdas (Samogitian) more Aistė 20/23 13
2007 Love or leave (English) more 4Fun 21/24 28
2013 Something (English) Andrius Pojavis 22/26 17
2009 Love (English) more Sasha Son 23/25 23
2002 Happy you (English) Aivaras 23/24 12
1994 Lopšinė mylimai (Lithuanian) more Ovidijus Vyšniauskas 25/25 0
2004 What's happened to your love (English) more Linas & Simona DNQ -
2005 Little by little (English) more Laura & The Lovers DNQ -
2008 Nomads in the night (English) Jeronimas Milius DNQ -
2010 East European funk (English) InCulto DNQ -

Non-participating entries

Year  Title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos.  Score
2002 We all (English) more B'Avarija Disq. -