Разом нас багато |
Razom nas bahato |
Together we are many |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
We won't stand this (no), revolution is on |
We won't stand this (no), revolution is on |
We won't stand this (No), revolution is on |
'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction |
'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction |
'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction |
All together we're one, all together we're strong |
All together we're one, all together we're strong |
All together we're one, all together we're strong |
God be my witness, we've waited too long |
God be my witness, we've waited too long |
God be my witness, we've waited too long |
Фальсифікаціям (ні), махінаціям (ні) |
Falsifikatsiyam (ni), mahinatsiyam (ni) |
Falsifications (no), machinations (no) |
Понятіям (ні), ні брехні |
Ponyatiyam (ni), ni brehni |
Little understandings (no), no to lies |
Віримо (так), можемо (так) |
Virimo (tak), mozhemo (tak) |
We trust (yes), we can (yes) |
Знаю переможемо (так, так) |
Znayu peremozhemo (tak, tak) |
I know we will win (yes, yes) |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
What you wanna say to your daughters and sons |
What you wanna say to your daughters and sons |
What you wanna say to your daughters and sons |
You know the battle is not over till the battle is won |
You know the battle is not over till the battle is won |
You know the battle is not over till the battle is won |
Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns |
Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns |
Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns |
We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one |
We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one |
We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one |
Ми – вже разом, ми – назавжди |
Mi – vzhe razom, mi – nazavzhdi |
We – already together, we – forever |
Ми – України доньки і сини |
Mi – Ukraini don'ki i siny |
We – Ukrainians, sons and daughters |
Зараз як ніколи, годі чекати |
Zaraz yak nikoli, godi chekati |
It's now or never, enough of waiting |
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати |
Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati |
Together we are many, we can't be defeated |
Разом нас багато (Jest nas wielu) |
Razom nas bahato (Jest nas wielu) |
Together we are many (Together we are many) |
Нас не подолати (Nas nie pokonacie) |
Nas ne podolati (Nas nie pokonacie) |
We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated) |
Разом нас багато (Alle wir in allem) |
Razom nas bahato (Alle wir in allem) |
Together we are many (Together we are many) |
Нас не подолати (Sind wir nicht zufallen) |
Nas ne podolati (Sind wir nicht zufallen) |
We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated) |
Разом нас багато (Si estamos juntos) |
Razom nas bahato (Si estamos juntos) |
Together we are many (If we are together) |
Нас не подолати (Somos invencibles) |
Nas ne podolati (Somos invencibles) |
We can't be defeated (We are invincible) |
Разом нас багато (V ednote ja nase sila) |
Razom nas bahato (V ednote ja nase sila) |
Together we are many (Our strength lies in our unity) |
Нас не подолати (V ednote ja nase sila) |
Nas ne podolati (V ednote ja nase sila) |
We can't be defeated (Our strength lies in our unity) |
Разом нас багато (Le peuple uni) |
Razom nas bahato (Le peuple uni) |
Together we are many (The united people) |
Нас не подолати (Ne serait jamais vaincu) |
Nas ne podolati (Ne sera jamais vaincu) |
We can't be defeated (Will never be defeated) |
Разом нас багато |
Razom nas bahato |
Together we are many |
(Вместе мы едины, мы не победимы) |
(Vmeste my ediny, my nepobedimy) |
(Together we are many, we can't be defeated) |
Разом нас багато (Разом) |
Razom nas bahato (Razom) |
Together we are many (Together) |
Нас не подолати (Нас не подолати) |
Nas ne podolati (Nas ne podolati) |
We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated) |
Разом нас багато (Разом) |
Razom nas bahato (Razom) |
Together we are many (Together) |
Нас не подолати (Разом нас багато) |
Nas ne podolati (Razom nas bahato) |
We can't be defeated (Together we are many) |
Разом нас багато (Разом) |
Razom nas bahato (Razom) |
Together we are many (Together) |
Нас не подолати (Нас не подолати) |
Nas ne podolati (Nas ne podolati) |
We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated) |
Разом нас багато (Разом) |
Razom nas bahato (Razom) |
Together we are many (Together) |
Нас не подолати (Разом нас багато) |
Nas ne podolati (Razom nas bahato) |
We can't be defeated (Together we are many) |
Разом нас багато (Разом) |
Razom nas bahato (Razom) |
Together we are many (Together) |
Нас не подолати |
Nas ne podolati |
We can't be defeated |