Performed by: Ґринджоли
Music by: Roman Kalyn, Roman Kostyuk
Lyrics by: Roman Kalyn, Roman Kostyuk, Mikola Kulinich
Language: Ukrainian & English
Placing: 19th (30 points)
Other versions: Ukrainian, Polish/Ukrainian/English
- Latin script - Cyrillic script - Without translation -

Разом нас багато

Razom nas bahato

Together we are many

Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
We won't stand this (no), revolution is on We won't stand this (no), revolution is on We won't stand this (No), revolution is on
'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction 'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction 'Cause lies be the weapon of mass destruction
All together we're one, all together we're strong All together we're one, all together we're strong All together we're one, all together we're strong
God be my witness, we've waited too long God be my witness, we've waited too long God be my witness, we've waited too long
Фальсифікаціям (ні), махінаціям (ні) Falsifikatsiyam (ni), mahinatsiyam (ni) Falsifications (no), machinations (no)
Понятіям (ні), ні брехні Ponyatiyam (ni), ni brehni Little understandings (no), no to lies
Віримо (так), можемо (так) Virimo (tak), mozhemo (tak) We trust (yes), we can (yes)
Знаю переможемо (так, так) Znayu peremozhemo (tak, tak) I know we will win (yes, yes)
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
What you wanna say to your daughters and sons What you wanna say to your daughters and sons What you wanna say to your daughters and sons
You know the battle is not over till the battle is won You know the battle is not over till the battle is won You know the battle is not over till the battle is won
Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns Truth be the weapon, we ain't scared of the guns
We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one We stay undefeated, 'cause together we're one
Ми – вже разом, ми – назавжди Mi – vzhe razom, mi – nazavzhdi We – already together, we – forever
Ми – України доньки і сини Mi – Ukraini don'ki i siny We – Ukrainians, sons and daughters
Зараз як ніколи, годі чекати Zaraz yak nikoli, godi chekati It's now or never, enough of waiting
Разом нас багато, нас не подолати Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolati Together we are many, we can't be defeated
Разом нас багато (Jest nas wielu) Razom nas bahato (Jest nas wielu) Together we are many (Together we are many)
Нас не подолати (Nas nie pokonacie) Nas ne podolati (Nas nie pokonacie) We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated)
Разом нас багато (Alle wir in allem) Razom nas bahato (Alle wir in allem) Together we are many (Together we are many)
Нас не подолати (Sind wir nicht zufallen) Nas ne podolati (Sind wir nicht zufallen) We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated)
Разом нас багато (Si estamos juntos) Razom nas bahato (Si estamos juntos) Together we are many (If we are together)
Нас не подолати (Somos invencibles) Nas ne podolati (Somos invencibles) We can't be defeated (We are invincible)
Разом нас багато (V ednote ja nase sila) Razom nas bahato (V ednote ja nase sila) Together we are many (Our strength lies in our unity)
Нас не подолати (V ednote ja nase sila) Nas ne podolati (V ednote ja nase sila) We can't be defeated (Our strength lies in our unity)
Разом нас багато (Le peuple uni) Razom nas bahato (Le peuple uni) Together we are many (The united people)
Нас не подолати (Ne serait jamais vaincu) Nas ne podolati (Ne sera jamais vaincu) We can't be defeated (Will never be defeated)
Разом нас багато Razom nas bahato Together we are many
(Вместе мы едины, мы не победимы) (Vmeste my ediny, my nepobedimy) (Together we are many, we can't be defeated)
Разом нас багато (Разом) Razom nas bahato (Razom) Together we are many (Together)
Нас не подолати (Нас не подолати) Nas ne podolati (Nas ne podolati) We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated)
Разом нас багато (Разом) Razom nas bahato (Razom) Together we are many (Together)
Нас не подолати (Разом нас багато) Nas ne podolati (Razom nas bahato) We can't be defeated (Together we are many)
Разом нас багато (Разом) Razom nas bahato (Razom) Together we are many (Together)
Нас не подолати (Нас не подолати) Nas ne podolati (Nas ne podolati) We can't be defeated (We can't be defeated)
Разом нас багато (Разом) Razom nas bahato (Razom) Together we are many (Together)
Нас не подолати (Разом нас багато) Nas ne podolati (Razom nas bahato) We can't be defeated (Together we are many)
Разом нас багато (Разом) Razom nas bahato (Razom) Together we are many (Together)
Нас не подолати Nas ne podolati We can't be defeated

The lyrics also contain a few words in Polish, German, Spanish, Czech, French & Russian.