1986 - 31st edition

Venue: Grieg Hall, Bergen, Norway
Date: Saturday, 3 May 1986
Presentation: Åse Kleveland
Voting: Each country awarded 12, 10, 8-1 points to its top 10 (by a jury).
Number of countries: 20
- Scoreboard -

Draw Order by starting order Country Order by country Title Order by song title [SHOW ALL VERSIONS] Artist(s) Pos. Order by placing Score
13. Belgium J'aime la vie (French) more Sandra Kim 1 176
10. Switzerland Pas pour moi (French) more Daniela Simons 2 140
1. Luxembourg L'amour de ma vie (French) more Sherisse Laurence 3 117
12. Ireland You can count on me (English) more Luv Bug 4 96
17. Sweden E' de' det här du kallar kärlek? (Swedish) more Monica Törnell & Lasse Holm 5 78
18. Denmark Du er fuld af løgn (Danish) more Trax 6 77
5. United Kingdom Runner in the night (English) more Ryder 7 72
14. Germany Über die Brücke geh'n (German) more Ingrid Peters 8 62
8. Turkey Halley (Turkish) more Klips ve Onlar 9 53
9. Spain Valentino (Spanish) more Cadillac 10 51
2. Yugoslavia Željo moja (Croatian) more Doris Dragović 11 49
4. Norway Romeo (Norwegian) more Ketil Stokkan 12 44
7. Netherlands Alles heeft ritme (Dutch) more Frizzle Sizzle 13 40
20. Portugal Não sejas mau para mim (Portuguese) more Dora 14 28
19. Finland Never the end (Finnish) more Kari Kuivalainen 15 22
6. Iceland Gleðibankinn (Icelandic) more Icy 16 19
3. France Européennes (French) more Cocktail Chic 17 13
16. Austria Die Zeit ist einsam (German) more Timna Brauer 18 12
11. Israel Yavo yom /
  יבוא יום (Hebrew) more
Moti Giladi & Sarai Tzuriel /
  מוטי גלעדי ושרי צוריאל
19 7
15. Cyprus Tora zo /
  Τώρα ζω (Greek)
Elpida /
20 4