Leť tmou |
Fly through the darkness |
Cítim chladné, tiene zradné |
I feel cold, deceitful shadows |
Túžbou planie čo je na dne |
The desire sparked at the bottom |
Prázdno v duši, to sa stáva |
A void in the soul becoming |
Horkú príchuť temno máva |
A taste of bitter, a taste of dark |
| |
My musíme vyjsť z tieňov, nástrah a slov |
We must come out of the shadows, intrigues and words |
Srdce daj, nezúfaj, a leť tmou |
Give your heart, don't despair, and fly through the darkness |
| |
Tiež to cítim, tiež sa bojím |
I also feel it, I am also afraid |
Sen sa chveje strachom mojim |
The dream is trembling with my fear |
Chvíľa straty, chvíľa strachu |
Moments of loss, moments of fear |
Keď sa nádej váľa v prachu |
When hopes roll in dust |
| |
My musíme vyjsť z tieňov nástrah a slov |
We have to come out of the shadows, of intrigues and words |
Srdce daj, nezúfaj, a leť tmou |
Give your heart, don't despair, and fly through the darkness |
My musíme vyjsť z tieňov nástrah a slov |
We have to come out of the shadows, of intrigues and words |
Srdce daj, nezúfaj, a leť tmou |
Give your heart, don't despair, and fly through the darkness |
| |
Ale kam? |
But where to? |
Neviem v tejto chvíli každý raz sa zmýli |
I don't know, at this moment, every instance is a mistake |
Ticho vo mne šepká: nezostávaj sám |
Silence whispers in me: don't stay alone |
| |
Tiež to cítim, tiež sa bojím |
I also feel it, I am also afraid |
Nezostávaj sám |
Don't stay alone |
| |
Keď sa blíži odpustenie |
As forgiveness approaches |
Mraky obáv odoženie |
Clouds embrace the return |
Nezablúdiš, si si istý |
Do not stray, you're the same |
Keď ťa niekto pevne istí |
Even if someone breaks you |
| |
Bože nech nás tvoj hlas |
Lord, may Your voice lead us |
Vedie temnotou v nás |
Through the darkness in us |
Daj nám dar, zázrak sprav, lásku vráť |
Give us a gift, work a wonder, return love |
Láska, prosím |
Love, please |
| |
Láska, prosím, nech nás tvoj hlas |
Love, please, may your voice lead us |
Vedie temnotou v nás |
Through the darkness in us |
Daj nám dar, zázrak sprav, stoj pri nás |
Give us a gift, work a wonder, stand by us |
| |
Láska, prosím, nech nás tvoj hlas |
Love, please, may your voice lead us |
Vedie temnotou v nás |
Through the darkness in us |
Daj nám dar, zázrak sprav, stoj pri nás |
Give us a gift, work a wonder, stand by us |
Lásku chráň |
Keep the love |