Performed by: Marta Roure
Music by: Jofre Bardagí
Lyrics by: Jofre Bardagí
Language: Catalan
This entry did not qualify for the ESC final.

Jugarem a estimar-nos

We'll play we're loving each other

No en tinc cap dubte, cap dels dos sabem I have no doubts, neither of us knows
Per què estem junts aquesta nit Why we are together tonight
Tu no saps ni com em dic You don't know my name
I la veritat, tampoc jo sé el teu nom And truly, I don't know your name either
Potser és millor que no pensem en res Maybe it's better to think about nothing
Aprofitem que estem solets Let's make the most of being alone
Aparquem tots els problemes Let's forget all our problems
I disfrutem d'aquest moment And let's enjoy this moment
Aquesta nit farem que sigui nostra Tonight we'll make it our night
(Aquesta nit... nostra... ah ah...) (Tonight... our... ah ah...)
Aquesta nit podrem ser el que vulguem Tonight we'll be able to be whatever we want
Mentre esperem que surti el sol While we wait for the sun to rise
Vull que estiguem junts, que no deixem de jugar I want us to be together, that we don't stop playing
Vull que em diguis "jo t'estimo", tot i no ser veritat I want you to tell me "I love you", even though it's not true
Vull que ens abracem, que disfrutem del moment I want us to embrace each other, that we enjoy this moment
I jugar... jugarem a estimar-nos And play... we'll play we're loving each other
I quan el sol demà et tregui del llit And when tomorrow the sun gets you out of bed
Jo ja no seré al teu costat I won't be by your side anymore
Només quedarà un record You will just be a memory
I el somni d'una nit d'estiu The dream of a midsummer night
D'aquella nit que vam tenir tots dos That night that we both had
Ben lluny de tota realitat So far from all reality
Una nit que ara vivim A night that we're living now
I volem que duri eternament And we want it to last forever
No m'importa res, només nosaltres Where nothing matters, but us
(Nosaltres... no importa res... ah ah...) (But us... nothing matters... ah ah...)
Aquesta nit val tot, seré qui vulguis Tonight everything's permitted, I'll be whoever you want
Mentre no aparegui el sol While the sun doesn't turn up
Vull que estiguem junts, que no deixem de jugar I want us to be together, that we don't stop playing
Vull que em diguis "jo t'estimo", tot i no ser veritat I want you to tell me "I love you", even though it's not true
Vull que ens abracem, que disfrutem del moment I want us to embrace each other, that we enjoy this moment
I jugar... jugarem a estimar-nos And play... we'll play we're loving each other
Vull que estiguem junts, que no deixem de jugar I want us to be together, that we don't stop playing
Vull que em diguis "jo t'estimo", tot i no ser veritat I want you to tell me "I love you", even though it's not true
Vull que ens abracem, que disfrutem del moment I want us to embrace each other, that we enjoy this moment
I jugar... jugarem a estimar-nos And play... we'll play we're loving each other
No tenim cap pressa We are not in a hurry
Però no perdem temps But don't waste time
Que quan surti el sol Because when the sun rises
La màgia es perdrà The magic will disappear
Que la nit és llarga The night is long
Però l'hem d'aprofitar But we must make the most of it
Seré el que tu vulguis I'll be whoever you want
Fins que surti el sol Until the sun rises
Fins que surti el sol Until the sun rises
Vull que estiguem junts, que no deixem de jugar I want us to be together, that we don't stop playing
Vull que em diguis "jo t'estimo", tot i no ser veritat I want you to tell me "I love you", even though it's not true
Vull que ens abracem, que disfrutem del moment I want us to embrace each other, that we enjoy this moment
I jugar... jugarem a estimar-nos And play... we'll play we're loving each other
Vull que estiguem junts, que no deixem de jugar I want us to be together, that we don't stop playing
Vull que em diguis "jo t'estimo", tot i no ser veritat I want you to tell me "I love you", even though it's not true
Vull que ens abracem, que disfrutem del moment I want us to embrace each other, that we enjoy this moment
I jugar... jugarem a estimar-nos And play... we'll play we're loving each other
Fins que surti el sol Until the sun rises

Translation by Josep M. Palau & Jaime Ortega.

Lyrics from Tv Catalunya.